Welcome to PRESENTOS
We are manufacturers of hand-crafted and painted three dimensional ships’ badges of the Royal Australian Navy. Our badges are Australian made, by sailors, for sailors…
We craft durable mementos commemorating the service and events that are significant in the lives of our customers.
We provide ship’s and defence organisation badges in a standard format mounted on a board from $84.00 each.
We also work with our customers to create ‘brag boards’ that represent their service career. In many cases we are able to produce contemporary and historical badges to suit.
If you’re looking to mark your career, or a loved one’s, please contact us for design and pricing options.
If you’re looking to make a purchase in excess of 10 badges, please contact us for pricing.
We are primarily an ‘on-line business’ and contact is best achieved using our contact form or email (info@presentos.com.au). This way we have a record of your query and we can reply promptly. However, we understand there are some people who are not connected to the internet and obtain a referral from a friend. In these circumstances, please contact us via phone.
Our website is still under construction and we’d be happy for any feedback you care to provide.